A Sour Shoes Thanksgiving

Come celebrate Thanksgiving with that wonderfully talented but unusual Wack Packer, Sour Shoes...

"In what can only be described as Stockholm syndrome, intrepid reporter and victim of Sour Shoes’ pranks, Steve Langford, visits the scene of the crime where Sour barraged him with 300 phony phone calls, and bonds with the wacky whack packer.

So don’t forget tomorrow, Howard 101 will air the Sour Shoes Thanksgiving Special at 3PM Eastern Time, and then the “CranBerry Best” with Ralph at 7PM. Oh, and apparently those are Sour’s toys on the floor. He and Langford were playing with them."

source: http://www.sternshowblog.com/2009/11/25/5462/thanksgiving-with-sour-shoes-langfords-on-the-scene/