Ever since Howard Stern, along with his side kick Robin Quivers, made comments about Gabourey Sidibe, the star of the recent "Precious" film that won multiple awards at this years Oscars ceremony, Stern has been getting a lot of bashing. Basically saying that Ms Sidibe is overweight and therefore she will have hard time getting more work in Hollywood as they seem to hire skinny acrtresses, people have called Stern everything from racist to a fat person hater etc. One of these groups of people have been bashing Stern include hosts of a talk show on Jamie Foxxs' "Foxxhole" station on Sirius/XM radio.
Playing back the talk of the group bashing him, Stern notices that soon as Foxx walks in, they immediately stop bashing stern and Jamie Foxx even joins in bashing Ms Sidibe calling her "Notorious Precious" obviously not having a problem with talking about her being heavy. Since then, Foxx has made comments (in defense of his talk show hosts who Stern blasted) but said he is Sterns friend and they play on the same team. As you can hear below, Stern says not only are they not friends but he makes MANY MANY suggestions about having "dirt" on Jamie Foxx, even suggestions that hint he might be gay. You listen to both and let us know what you think.
Howard Stern - Says He Has Dirt On Jame Foxx (rumors is he is gay)
SOURCE: http://www.rapbasement.com/jamie-foxx/033010-howard-stern-hints-that-jamie-foxx-is-gay-during-a-recent-rant-listen-here.html