The Howardshrine news team is continuing to follow the news story of Rev. Bob Levy's rant against the Stern show. Recently Captain Janks responded to the Levy situation and to Artie Lange's problems in general:
"I can’t thank Artie enough for the help he gave me when I was in trouble. It was WAY above any beyond. I consider Artie a VERY big part of my sobriety, because he helped me see that no matter how bad people, and things get, there are still good, kind decent people willing to help. I will never be able to pay him back for that even more than the funds he raised for me. But if someone is using drugs, they will not stop till they are ready. RIGHT BOB? As a friend, I will give my full support to Artie. Anything he needs, he can call me. ANYTHING. The bottom line is that no one is responsible for someone using but the person that is using.
Once that person accepts responsibility, then they can deal with the problem thru rehab, 12 step programs, and whatever else helps them stay sober. But I’m sure Artie would agree that Howard, nor any other person is responsible for his drug issues. I’m also sure that he knows that. Your issue Bob, is that you didn’t get your way, and you are throwing a temper tantrum. So don’t use Artie’s situation as a deflector to your own childish issues. I wish Artie all the best, and hope to see you back on the show again. Bob, I wish you the best in your recovery when YOU finally come out and admit your own drug issues. Thatis what this is all about. Not Artie. He’s well on his way on the road of recovery."