I'm happy to announce that I have plenty of ideas rolling around in my head right now. Idea's for android porn apps that will keep me very busy. All I need to do is to win a bit of money on the lottery so I can leave my 9 to 5 office job and concentrate 100% on Android Porn Apps.
I've also just passed 250 followers on twitter, and getting a bit of feedback and interest in my idea's.
I now know that there are more and more adult android stores opening up on the internet, so I'm pretty sure the market has a growing demand, check out http://www.adultappmart.com/ I think there will be more and more adult android app stores opening very soon.
Thats it for now, I'm off to the sofa with a note book and pen sketching out my latest idea and then pinning it on my notice board. I need to get the idea's on paper before they get super-seeded by another idea.