Time to Re-Think about Porn Apps?

I had a bit of bad news during the past week.  Brazzers had requested Whose Boobs are These to be taken down from Mikandi.com because of copyright issues.  I had been using their free webmaster content tools to make my apps with.  I think their photos are the best quality on the internet and I have been promoting Brazzers for years.   But I have respected their wishes and have stoped designing android porn apps using their content.  However, I have been in contact with Brazzers and they have requested that I show them any apps that I design to get their approval before publishing them.  I have no problem doing that, BUT do I really want to spend time developing apps and then they decide that it is not good enough for them?  It got me thinking that they dont ask every Brazzer affiliate to show them the web sites that they are using there promo material on.  I dont understand why they think that promoting there web sites via an Android Porn app is different from promoting there sites on a web site.  Sure, people can design rubbish looking apps using their content, but I've seen plenty of terrible web site promoting their web sites too.

I have the upmost respect for Brazzers and I will continue to promote them via the web, but I am dissappointed with their reaction to promoting them via Android apps.  Maybe next week there will be some better news regarding this situation.

I am now trying to contact pornstars and porn sponsor programs direct before I start designing apps using their free webmaster tools.