Howard Stern VS Michael Vick

Howard Stern throws Michael Vick to the dogs
by Associated Press

Despite what appears to be widespread acceptance of football player/convicted dog fighter Michael Vick’s return to the NFL, Howard Stern isn’t backing down on his stance that Michael Vick is a big, fat jerk. Whether it’s because of his wife Beth Ostrosky’s extensive work with animal rescue organizations, or Stern’s own animal-friendly sensibilities, Howard Stern wants his listeners to know that he was unimpressed by Michael Vick’s “performance” on this week’s 60 Minutes.

Howard Stern called Michael Vick “smug” and pleased with himself for “getting away with it.” The Howard Stern Show co-host Robin Quivers, who stated last week that Michael Vick’s offenses were no worse those perpetrated on farm animals by American farmers every day, did a complete 180 on last week’s comments. Robin Quivers called Michael Vick’s demeanor “arrogant” and stated that she takes back “everything I ever said in support of him.” Quivers also stated that Michael Vick’s public relations representative should be fired because the 60 Minutes interview solidified Quivers’ opinion that the football star was in no way remorseful or rehabilitated.

Robin Quivers even went so far as to say that she’ll never watch a Philadelphia Eagles game again. Ever. Even if they make it to the Super Bowl.

Of course, not every member of The Howard Stern Show cast was interested in castigating the man known for taking pleasure in hanging and electrocuting dogs. Howard Stern Show segment producer Will Murray told the Howard 100 News team that he thinks Michael Vick has paid his debt to society and should be given another chance.

And of course, admitted Howard TV director and admitted dog hitter Scott DePace backed Michael Vick as well. DePace has come under fire from Beth Ostrosky and many Howard Stern Show listeners after his admission that he hits his dog Cookie with a rolled up newspaper when she’s “bad.”

Despite the opinions of Murray and DePace, it doesn’t look like The Howard Stern Show will be welcoming Michael Vick into the studio any time soon, unless it’s for a very specific stunt.

Example?: Michael Vick agrees to eat bleu cheese out of Reverend Bob Levy’s ass until he’s told he can stop, and The Howard Stern Show cast gets to electrocute and hang him if he doesn’t perform the assy bleu cheese consumption to their standards.

Stranger things have happened. You never know.
